Vendor Selection Process

At Incisive, we understand that the success of dental practices relies on forging partnerships with vendors who not only meet but exceed expectations. That’s why we have established a rigorous vendor selection process built on four key criteria that ensure unmatched quality and service: vendor differentiation, unwavering commitment to quality, continuous member feedback, and alignment with our mission. Together, these criteria create a dynamic ecosystem where dental practices thrive and patients receive exceptional care.

Vendor Differentiation

Incisive goes to great lengths to partner with vendors that offer unique and exceptional services, setting them apart from the competition. These vendors provide a range of services but the common denominator with all our partnerships are companies offering top-tier products and innovating to improve their respective dental categories.

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Commitment to Quality

At Incisive, the pursuit of quality is paramount. Quality is the #1 criterion during the evaluation process of any vendor. Vendors must share this unwavering commitment and demonstrate their dedication to delivering exceptional products and services. Incisive is committed to the pursuit of quality first, and preferred rates second.

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Feedback Loops

Incisive believes in fostering transparent and productive relationships between members and vendors through well-established feedback loops. This feedback has led to innovation, vendor collaboration, and continuous improvement.

Members are encouraged to provide honest evaluations and feedback on their experiences with vendors, allowing for constructive dialogue and collaborative problem-solving. In certain instances, Incisive may invite members to participate in evaluation trials to assess new vendors or vendor collaborations.

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The Incisive Mission

Successful vendor partnerships within the Incisive network hinge on vendors fully understanding and embracing the mission of Incisive. Vendors who see the value of working with Incisive gain access to a vast network of like minded practices, which in turn provides members with access to premium services at preferred rates. This alignment of goals and purpose fosters mutually beneficial relationships and drives collective success.

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